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Engine Metal Treatment
Did You Know That
Friction and Heat, Is The Enemy of your Engine.
Now This Is Where Lower The Friction Comes In

Smother Idle, Better Horsepower, Improved Fuel Mileage, Improves Compression, Lower Oil Consumption, Fewer Parts Wear, Longer Engine life.
Lower The Friction
Engine Metal Treatment
Our products have been tested/proven by everyday drivers and documented by The US Army, Detroit Allison, FAA, and many acclaimed Labs and Universities from around the world with exciting results.
How It Works
Add Lower The Friction to your engine oil at the next oil change. It is a formulation that Chemically Bonds a Micro-Thin Lubricant Film to all metal surfaces inside an engine. This unique proven formula has been providing full-time protection and improved performance. Lower The Friction protects and extends the life of your engine. It is unequaled by modern-day motor oils, synthetic lubricants, oil additives, moly, or PTFE-type engine treatments. No build-up could change tolerances or alter oil flow. The use of Lower The Friction Engine Metal Treatment will not void the manufacturer's engine warranty. Use with both conventional and synthetic oils. Works on all automotive, marine, heavy equipment, off-road, lawn equipment and four-cycle small engines. The best is, the long term it saves you money and puts that money in your pocket or on the bottom line of your company.

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